Walk the talk – Doing Good

Reflection – how can we help?

Financial inclusivity

More than 1.7 billion people do not have bank accounts and access to capital. That’s why I support KIVA in its mission to provide access to disadvantaged communities to help them with their economic, social and personal development.

Through microcredit, I contribute to a more financially inclusive world, where as many people as possible have the opportunity to develop their potential.

Micro credits

Through KIVA, I make a percentage of my net sales available each month through crowdfunding and micro-credits to benefit entrepreneurs and families living marginalized lives.

In this way, I help students pay their tuition. And women to start sustainable businesses. And farmers to invest in technology and food forests. And sometimes marginalized families with needed emergency care.

Part of solution

For each KIVA borrower, I make $25 to a maximum of $100 available, being a part of the solution and trying to make a real difference in someone’s life.

100% of every dollar I lend in partnership with KIVA goes to funding and people who needed it most. When the money is repaid in due course, I immediately lend it back to other KIVA borrowers.

Impact in numbers

Doing Good, resulting in Doing Well

Outstanding loans
(x $1.000)

The amount I have lent since 2013

Number of borrowers
(x 1)
Number of people, families and projects I have supported since 2013
(x 1)
Number of countries where I am active as a micro credit provider

What about you?

And them?

I believe, along with hundreds of thousands of other microcredit providers, that lending is one of the most powerful and sustainable ways to create economic and social well-being. Borrowing through Kiva creates a partnership of mutual dignity and makes it easy to touch more lives with the same dollar. Fund one microloan, get paid back, and use it to fund another.

If my loan enables someone to start or grow a business and create opportunities for themselves, it also creates opportunities for others. That ripple effect can shape the future of a family or an entire community.

And my small microloans are not just about money – they are also a way of creating connection and relationships and fulfilling the purpose of my humanity.

Do what is right, not what is easy

Most recently provided microloans

What others think of it

In the media

“Not only do you empower people living in poverty to make meaningful choices for basic human rights, you also help children understand their responsibility to give something back to the global community and appreciate the quality of life they enjoy. “

“… The Kiva concept will work in America. That brings me to another point. I don’t think we should have any preconceptions about who entrepreneurs are. ”

– Bill Clinton

“Neither Kiva nor the Kiva lenders make money from the loans they make. This allows Kiva to work with groups based on social motives rather than profit motives.”

– Premal Shah, Kiva President

Walk the talk…
