Once Upon A Future

A unique experience and exciting expedition into the emerging future. Breathtaking, grand, enlightening and all encompassing.

Ruud as

Inspirator, speaker, moderator, interviewer, panel member, sidekick...

Target Audience

Anyone who longs for a better world.


Your event is very important. Also to me! That's why customization is the standard. Content, working methods and execution. There is always a seamless connection to theme, program and background of the participants.

I want to create my own future!

Join us on an interactive and exciting expedition and create your own future. Where are the opportunities that I don't see now and how can I make the most of them?

Request for proposal

Exciting and relevant custom production - from living room to theater

The future is much more fun and exciting than most people think. Once Upon A Future creates clarity about the future and offers concrete hope for a better world. It recalibrates meaning and sheds new light on the turbulent times we live in. Because even in the greatest crisis, there are always the best solutions and new opportunities. Once Upon A Future is not a clichéd wake-up call, but an unconditional call to action. An appeal to the head and heart that you really want to do something with.Choose your own topics and decide where you want to go deeper. You can also choose from different, interactive formats. For a small event at the office or a big production in the theater? It does not matter. Impact is guaranteed and humor is included for free.

Topics and customization

Three forces tipping the world
en biggest challenges and solutions
Eight major innovations that will characterize 21st century challenges and solutions
Impact on companies, sectors and markets
New renaissance: different view of society and democracy
Scenarios for optimists, realists and pessimists
What about you?
Always tons of IMPACT and energy: unique and very interactive formats
Three forces tipping the world

Our world is transforming into the next phase of our civilization. The inevitable and irreversible upheaval is driven by three uncontrollable forces: exponential technologies, sustainability and globalization. What is the impact and what does it mean for me and my organization? And for my dreams, vision and ambitions?

en biggest challenges and solutions

Seven of humanity's ten immense challenges are ecological in nature. And all seven are linked to the greatest pandemic on earth: humanity. Together, they pose a substantial risk to our prosperity and well-being. The good news is that if humanity is the problem, we are also the solution. What are the ten biggest risks and challenges? How real are they and what can we do about them? With lots of inspiring and stimulating examples of people and organizations that are making a difference. Who themselves are the change they want to see in the world. With concrete frameworks and pragmatic tools for practice.

Eight major innovations that will characterize 21st century challenges and solutions

According to Otto Scharmer (MIT), the 21st century is characterized by eight institutional innovations. Mega transitions that affect everything and everyone. Whether you want to or not. At their core, they are about the desirable design of the way we live and how we relate to each other, nature and all ecosystems. They are also about conscious leadership and governance for the common good. About how we use technology for instead of against humanity. About entrepreneurial people doing work that matters and that is meaningful. And all eight are about the MEXIT: an exit from our current mindset.

Impact on companies, sectors and markets

Of course, the transition also has a major impact on the main pillars of our society, such as: education, healthcare and welfare, energy, agriculture and food. And on mobility and logistics, construction and materials. And, of course, on banks, investors and governments. What does the great transformation mean for these and other key sectors? How do you become "future fit? How can you best prepare for the imminent and unleashed future? And where are the opportunities that you don't see now and how can you make the most of them?Depending on the theme, objective and target group, it is possible to identify one or more specific sectors and explore them in greater depth.For each of these sectors, there are also inspirements available that focus on the sector and markets in question. For this, check the theme and collection 'Shaping the future of.....'.

New renaissance: different view of society and democracy

The turbulent times in which we live are accompanied by major disruptions and ever-accumulating crises. Together they form a cordial invitation to humanity to press the 'Life Reset' button that triggers a MEXIT. An exit of our mindset: our way of thinking, doing and not doing. Contraction and simplicity as the solution. With a focus on welfare instead of prosperity. What does this mean for our society? How can we live inclusive together in radical interdependency? And what does this mean for our democracy? In which the minority and voiceless are also heard and seen?

Scenarios for optimists, realists and pessimists

During the inspiriment, we work towards different scenarios. For the short, middle and long term. Visualizations of a possible future. Based on a unique model: 'Pressure Cooker 21', which shows that there is in fact only one future. Of which nobody knows exactly what it will look like. It is a world that we all feel and long for. Which we know we can and must create ourselves. And so each scenario brings the same outcome: a better, more sustainable world and fair, inclusive society.

What about you?

The apotheosis is the unconditional appeal to the head and heart. What are you going to do? What contribution are you going to make now; in your work and at home at the breakfast table. As a true leader, policy maker or entrepreneur. But above all as a conscious leader of your own life. As an enterprising person who is the creator of his or her own circumstances and future. How do you do that and can I do that too? The answer is unequivocally yes and now. And if not you, then who? And if not now, then when?

Always tons of IMPACT and energy: unique and very interactive formats

Once Upon A Future is a unique inspiriment and experience and is based on my best seller with the same title. It is a 100% custom production. Regardless of location; from living room to a large theater. From elementary school kids to institutional investors. And always with tons of energy and interactivity.Choice of many work formats, including a wacky quiZZ, votingBUZZ, fundamental debate or panel discussion.

I want to create my own future!

Join us on an interactive and exciting expedition and create your own future. Where are the opportunities that I don't see now and how can I make the most of them?

Request for proposal

Great clients, ambassadors and partners
