Post Corona World: the Invisible Perspective - Unique Series of Webinars
What will the world look like after corona? A unique, fascinating and above all hopeful series of webinars. Always tailor-made, for each target group. And fitting almost any budget.
MEXIT - 52 exits to a better world
Mexit stands for Exit of our Mindset and consist of fifty-two simple ideas and solutions that contribute to a more sustainable world and just society.
One for each week.
At home, at the breakfast table.
Or at work and for your organization.
If not you - then WHO?
If not now - then WHEN?
If not here - then WHERE?
Company of the future
This fascinating inspirement is about the Company of the Future. Will you also join us on an expedition to the unleashed future? Become Net Positive and improve your results and performance. In all aspects. Anytime, anywhere. And for everyone.
101 Climate Solutions
Your exciting expedition to effective and vital climate solutions begins with this inspirational guide. Packed with the latest scientific insights and fascinating solutions from scientists, entrepreneurs, investors and technicians. This inspirement is an absolute and unmissable "brain-shift" to a better climate reality.
THE BIGGER >RESET - exit to a better world
A confrontational inspiriment and unique experience. A clear, hopeful and above all realistic discourse on our problems and risks and the only, effective route out of the ever cumulating crises. Do we go back to square one and move forward quickly and opportunistically? Or is it better to take a few thoughtful steps backwards with wisdom? Which route do you choose?
Once Upon A Future - The full and honest story
A unique experience and exciting expedition into the emerging future. Breathtaking, grand, enlightening and all encompassing.
Soul of Healthcare
A highly relevant, confrontational and interactive inspirational talk about the crisis in healthcare and the necessary transition from efficiency to profitability and from diagnosis and treatment to prevention. How do we keep healthcare sustainable, accessible and affordable for all? What are the vital ideas and solutions for the healthcare system in the 21st century?
Soul of Education
A highly relevant, challenging and interactive keynote about the challenges, transition and future of education and a long life learning in glory. How do we tilt from efficiency to more efficiency? What are the vital ideas and solutions for tomorrow's education? And how do we ensure that education is better connected to the future? What does it actually take to keep lifelong learning fun and how do we make sure it connects to the potential and passion of every learner. Young, older and ancient. Because learning is life itself.
Transitie en toekomst onderwijs - leren werken of leren leven?
Boeiende en confronterende expeditie naar de toekomst van een leven lang leren. Een pleidooi voor een transitie naar meer mens- en toekomst-gericht onderwijs. Meer vormend dan vervormend. Vanuit een andere Why, What en How. Leren leven.
Transition and future of healthcare, health and wellness - Diagnosis 2030
Diagnosis 2030 indicates the future of care and well-being. Central is the transition to more people-centered and value-driven care. With a focus on prevention and more self-direction. Will our care remain affordable and will technology solve all problems? What are the five most important innovations?
Transition and future of agriculture and food - alienated eating
A new perspective for future-proof and nature-inclusive agriculture. Taking into account the interests of all parties. How to maintain profitable production, taking into account our environment, natural resources and biodiversity?
Transition and future of economy - circular and people above market
The linear economy and shareholder capitalism has pushed society and planet toward the abyss. How do we transform our society and society into a more sustainable and circular economy?
Transitie en toekomst energie - duurzaam en betaalbaar
De transitie naar een duurzaam, betaalbaar en slim energiesysteem is onomkeerbaar. Het opwekken van groene energie is niet het probleem. De focus ligt op opslag en de balans tussen vraag en aanbod. Vijf oplossingen voor grote uitdagingen.
Transition and future of work and HRM - flexibility and autonomy
The future of meaningful work will be determined, among other things, by the growing acceptance and impact of artificial intelligence, talent development and linking goals to Intent. Are we a resource and FTE or a Homo Verus after all?
Transitie en toekomst van kapitaal en bezit - eerlijker uit de crisis
Ons denken over markt, winst en kapitaal is gebaseerd op historische concepten die afhangen van keuzes en opvattingen, niet van wetmatigheden. Weke mythes hebben geleid tot grote ongelijkheid. Hoe koppelen we kapitaal en individueel bezit meer aan maatschappelijk nut en collectief eigendom?
Transition and future of our living environment - people are also nature
We are at the forefront of a tilt towards a new kind of ecologism that is in balance with our planet and its ecosystems and how nature really works. How do we shape this new world, and which concrete steps and examples contribute to collective support and justice for all living things?
Transition and future of democracy - tilt meritocracy and public administration
As the damaging effects of neoliberalism and free-market thinking are being felt, it is time for reflection to prevent further erosion of the public sector and the welfare state. How do we together develop a transparent and executive democracy that everyone sees and hears? A dominant market requires a strong and regulating government.
Transitie en toekomst leiderschap - de bedoeling centraal
Zoals we in onze huidige wereld dagelijks om ons heen kunnen zien, wordt de schoonheid en het belang van leiderschap pas echt duidelijk als deze afwezig is. Wat kenmerkt inspirerende leiders in de 21e eeuw en waarom neemt hun aanhang en invloed zo snel toe? Wat betekent het om te leiden vanuit de bedoeling en de aandienende toekomst?